目的 探讨孕、乳期补充富含DHA鱼油对大鼠行为发育的影响。方法 以出生前、后脑发育关键期大鼠为研究对象,设1个对照组和添加鱼油的3个剂量组(其中DHA的量分别为0、7.5、15.0、30.0g/kg饲料),喂养期限为孕0日至仔鼠45日龄。观察妊娠、分娩一般指标,进行断乳前行为发育评价、幼鼠学习行为测试等。结果 与对照组相比,DHA 15.0g/kg饲料组新生鼠脑重显著增加(P<0.05);2项新生反射指标平面翻正、视觉定向发育显著提前(P<0.05);跳台潜伏期延长,错误次数减少和避暗潜伏期延长(P<0.05)。结论 孕、乳期补充一定剂量的DHA,可对子代大鼠神经发育产生有益影响;孕、乳期补充DHA的较适剂量为15.0g/kg饲料。
Objective To determine the effects of dietary supplementation of fish oil rich in DHA during gestation and lactation on the filial rats behavior development. Methods A control group (0) of maternal rats were fed with fundamental diet and their young rats received similar diet from conception to the age of 45 days. Other three groups were fed with fundamental diet + fish oil (doses of DHA were 7. 5 (A), 15.0 (B), 30.0 (C) g/kg diet). Behavior development before ablactation and learning ability of young rats were measured; Results Compared to the control group neonatal brain weight of group B was significantly increased (P<0. 05), development of plane upside-down and optic fix-direction were aheaded significantly (P<0. 05), driving-platform latancy increased and error counts decreased and Shun-dim latancy increased (P<0. 05). Conclusion Proper DHA supplementation during gestation and lactation was beneficial to behavior development of filial generation. 15. 0 g/kg DHA diet might be the optimal supplementation quantity in this period.