用 0 .75 %腺嘌呤饲料喂养 Wistar大鼠 10周制成肾功能不全模型 ,以肾毒清冲剂 1.2 5 g/ kg(组 )、2 .5 g/kg(组 )、5 g/ kg(组 )分别灌胃 ,并设包醛氧化淀粉组 ( 1.3g/ kg)、模型对照组和正常对照组。大鼠喂养 2 8天后测血清中 SOD、GSH- PX活力、MDA含量及 BU N、Cr、钙、磷、TG、TCh、TP、AL值 ;计算脾、胸腺指数 ;做肾脏病理检查。结果发现 :肾毒清冲剂能显著提高慢性肾功能不全大鼠中 SOD、GSH - PX 活力 ,降低 MDA含量 ,提高胸腺指数 ,降低血清中 BUN、Cr的含量 ,升高钙含量 。
To research the therapeutic effects of Sdqcj on chronic renal failure(CRF) rat,feed rats with 0 75% adenine food for 10 weeks to make CRF rat,then divide the CRF rat into 5 groups(1 25g/kg Sdqcj group,2 5g/kg Sdqcj group,5g/kg Sdqcj group,coapeb aldehyde Oxysparch group and saline group)randomly,control group is set up at the same time All of the rats are irrigated stomach with Sdqcj,coaped aldchyde oxysparch(CAO) and saline respectively Take blood after 28 days and measure SOD,GSH P X activity,MDA,BUN,Cr,Calcium,Phosphor,TG,TCh,TP and AL in plasma;calculate spleen and thymus index;make pathological examination of the kidney The results showed that Sdqcj could improve SOD and GSH P x ,decrease MDA,BUN,Cr,and reduce the historical injury of the kidney
Shandong Medical Journal