目的 描述程氏东毕吸虫体表扫描电镜 (SEM)显微结构。方法 成虫虫体采自自然感染的绵羊 ,经 2 5 %戊二醛固定、扫描前将虫体用 1%锇酸固定、经酒精梯度脱水、溅射喷涂金膜处理 ,最后以日立JSM - 80 0扫描电镜观察并摄片。结果 雄虫体表满布皮层皱褶及感觉球 ,雌虫前、中部体表较光滑 ,后部体表上有一定数量的棘和感觉球 ,但无带孔皮层增厚块。结论 SEM结果分析 :雄虫体表感觉球为程氏东毕吸虫和土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫的共同体表特征 ,但感觉球数量及分布不尽相同 ,雌虫尾部也有棘和感觉球 ,但无带孔皮层增厚块 ,支持程氏东毕吸虫为一独立种。
Aim To characterize the integumental surface of adult O.cheni by scanning electron microscopy at 650 to 8000 magnifications.Method The adult worms were recovered form naturally infected sheep,then fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde.The specimens were washed in phosphate buffer 3 times and postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 1 hour,then they were dehydrated in graded series of ethanol and dried using CO_2 as transitional fluid.Finally the specimens were mounted onto aluminum stubs and coated with carbon gold and observed with Hitachi JSM-800.Results There are thousands of tegumental folds and sensory bulbs on the surface of adult male,but surface of the female’ anterior and middle part is comparatively smooth;the posterior part bears sensory bulbs and spine,but no tegumental large mass with a hole.Conclusion The adult male shares many commen futures just like tegumental folds,sensory bulbs etc with O.turkestanica,but the distribution and quantity of the tegumental folds and sensory bulbs are different from each other.The female posterior part bears sensory bulbs and spine,but no tegumental large mass with a hole which is a special character of O.turkestanica. All of these support that O,cheni is a distinctive species.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
黑龙江省"九五"攻关项目!部分内容 (项目编号G98B3 -9)