研究压力如何影响恒沸点 ,探索改变操作压力由反应精馏精制四氢呋喃 (THF)可行性。模拟计算考察了压力对THF/水体系恒沸点的影响 ,结果表明体系压力增加 ,恒沸物中THF摩尔分率减少。通过两塔在不同压力下操作 ,利用反应精馏技术可从 1,4 丁二醇制备高纯度的THF。
The objective of this paper was to investigate the relation of azeotrope to the system pressure, and further to study the possibility for the synthesis of tetrahydrofuran(THF) from butanediol by pressure sensitive reactive distillation. The effect of pressure on azeotropic composition for the system of THF /water was studied by numerical simulation, and it was found that the mole fraction of THF in the azeotrope was reduced with the increase of pressure. While it is difficult to predict whether the azeotropic composition is increased with pressure by only theoretic analysis. THF in high purity can be obtained from butanediol by reactive distillation with a dual column system at varied pressures.The composition of top product for the column II played a large role in the process, and the larger the difference between x az1 and x az2 , the more economy for the process operation and the larger flux rate for the desired bottom product of column II.
Computers and Applied Chemistry
福建省自然基金资助项目!(编号 :F0 0 0 2 2 )