报道了GdVO4∶Eu3 + 的光致发光光谱和真空紫外 紫外激发光谱。GdVO4∶Eu3 + 是高效率的真空紫外 紫外激发荧光材料。GdVO4∶Eu3 + 在6 0~ 35 0nm真空紫外 紫外波段的激发可能主要来源于基质的吸收 ,有明显的Eu3 + 及Gd3 + 的 4fn - 1 5d吸收。在GdVO4∶Eu3 + 中 ,存在如下能量传递过程 :VO3 - 4 →Eu3 + ,Gd3 + →Eu3 + ,Gd3 + →VO3 - 4 →Eu3 + ;通过后两个过程 ,Gd3 + Eu3 + 可实现量子剪裁。
The photoluminescence spectra and excitation spectra in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and ultraviolet (UV) spectrum region of GdVO 4∶Eu 3+ were reported. The excitation and emission spectra indicate that GdVO 4∶Eu 3+ is a highly efficient phosphor for the excitation in VUV and UV spectrum region. The excitation band in VUV and UV spectrum region of 60~350 nm consists mainly of the absorption of host, and has obvious absorption of 4f n -1 5d of Eu 3+ and Gd 3+ . There exist the following energy transfer in GdVO 4∶Eu 3+ ∶VO 3- 4→Eu 3+ , Gd 3+ →Eu 3+ and Gd 3+ →VO 3- 4→Eu 3+ . Through the last two procedures, the quantum cutting of Gd 3+ Eu 3+ may be realized.
Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths
国家自然科学基金! (5 9732 0 40 )资助项目