Dexamethasone in dose of 0. 5mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg were intramuscularlyinjected respectively for 14, 28 and 42 days in 36 rabbits divided inio twogroups. The other 12 control animals were treated with saline injections. Thesoleus, extensor digitorum longus and tibialis anterior were stained with H.E.,succino-dehydrogenase, and acetylcholinesterase and examined by electronic mic-roscope. Myopathy induced by dexamethasone represented swelling, atrophy andnecrosis of muscle fibers. The routine dose of dexamethasone for a long periodand large dose for a short period caused the same negative effect.The myopathyoccured mainly in white muscle fibres. Its mechanism was probably that therole of glucccorticoid resulted in an inhibition of glucolyases and acetylcholine-sterases, and in a suppression of the synthesis of protein.
Journal of China Medical University