森林资源可持续性宏观调控的目标是由若干既相互联系又具有一定层次的目标构成的目标体系。调控系统的主体是由政府的主要职能管理部门联合其他相关的职能部门共同组成的一个综合管理系统 ;调控的客体是森林资源的再生产过程。应用自然控制论原理探讨了森林资源可持续性宏观调控的系统优化控制模型。
The goal system of Macro-adjustment for sustainability of forest resources is composed by some targets which are interrelated and contains some levels. The subject of Macro-adjustment system is an integrated management system which are constituted by main governmental function management branch and other correlative function departments. The object of this system is the reproduction process of forest resources. Finally,the paper founds an optimizing controlling model for Macro-adjustment system by using principle of natural cybernetics.
Issues of Forestry Economics