人力资本是通过教育、培训而形成的劳动者的高能素质 ,是一种对现代经济增长起主导作用的内生性要素。因此 ,增加人力资本和提高人力资本质量 ,势必要按照现代市场经济的规律发展教育产业 ,在优化教育生产结构 ,提高教育投资效益上见成效。
Human capital is a kind of high energy quality of a worker,which must be fostered through education and training,and it's an endo-factor that plays a major role in the development of modern economy.Therefore,to increase human capital and improve human quality,education industry must be developed according to the law of modern market economy.It can win success in optimizing the educational production structure and increasing returns of education investment.
Journal of GuangXi Cadres College of Economic and Management