
海南三化螟的发生为害规律与防治策略探讨 被引量:4

Studies on the Regular Pattern of Occurence and Harm to Rice of Yellow Stem Borer and the Taics of its Control in Hainan
摘要 本文较系统地阐明了三化螟 Tryporyza incertulas(Walker)在海南的发生为害规律,其年发生6—7代,为害一般是沿海平原重于中部山区,早造水稻重于晚造;它的天敌种类较多,某些年份对其某些世代有制约作用;在早春雨量少,温度偏高的年份发生量大,反之,则小;种植易感品种时,其为害较重;同时提出了防治三化螟应狠抓第一、四代,挑治第二、五代的严重发生田,以免使第三,六代螟虫造成白穗而承受较大压力的防治策略。 The article makes a systematic exposition of the regular patterns of occurence and harm to rice of yellow stem borer [Tryporza incertulas (Walker)] in Hainan.The yellow stem borer reproduces 6—7 generations each year.The harm to rice caused by the pest usually in more serious in the plain along the cast of Hainan than that in the mountain area of the central section of Hainan,and the harm toearly rice is usually more serious than that to late rice.There in many kinds of its natural enemies in Hainan,some generations are restricted in some years,when the rainfall is less and the temperature is warmer in the early spring, than that of a nomal years,the populetion density of the pest will be high.On the contrary will be low.When the susceptible varieties are planed,their harm will be serious. The tatics of yellow stem borer control is advanced in the article that generation 1 and generation 4 of the pest should be vigorously con- trolled,and generation 2 and generation 5 should be controlled in the fields where the harm is serious,in order to avoid the serious harm caused by generation 3 and generation 6.
作者 许创
机构地区 海南大学农学院
出处 《海南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1991年第2期63-68,共6页 Natural Science Journal of Hainan University
关键词 三化螟 防治 海南 水稻 Tryporyza incertulas (Walker) tactics of prevention and Control
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