工程投资难以控制有多方面原因 ,工程计价方法混乱是其主要原因之一。本文通过对现行工程计价方式的分析 ,得出现行工程计价方法不利于工程投资控制的结论。提出两点改进计价方式的建议 :采用实物计价法确定工程造价 ;将工程产品也视为商品 ,让商家根据价值规律及市场供求关系来为工程产品定价。
The difficulties of project investment control are due to multi aspect of reasons,the principle one of which is confusion on the forms of project pricing.In this paper,through analysis on current forms of project pricing,it is concluded that the current means of project pricing are not favorable to control the project investment.Also two proposals to improve the forms of project pricing are submitted as:physical pricing method should be adopted to determine the project cost;project product should be considered as commodity which the business entity can price in accordance with the Law of Value and supply demand relation on the market.
Modern Electric Power