eoral gelatin capsule is a new formu-lation of CsA,different from the
traditionaloral solution Sandimmun. In this clinical tri-al, pharmacokinetic studies were made
tocompare these two formulation of CsA. Partone: The steadystate pharmacokinetics
ofSandimmum oral solution and Neoralgelatin capsule were observed in 5 stable re-nal
transplant patients with self-controlstudy. Whole blood CsA concentrations ofSandimmum oral
solution were monitered12h before taking Neoral gelatin capsule.The dosage conversion from
Sandimumm o-ral solution to Neoral gelatin capsule wasmade in a 1 : 1 ratio. One week
later,wholeblood CsA concentrations of Neoral gelatinwere monitered in the same manner
asSandimmum. Part two :Sandimmum oral solution and Neoral gelatin capsule were
givenrespectively to two groups of transplanta-tion patients (6 cases in each group) for
12weeks. It was concluded :1. Absorpton of Neoral gelatin capsulewas better and more steady
than that ofSandimmum oral solution. The relativebioavailability of Neoral gelatin capsule is27.
5% higher than that of Sandimmun oralsolu tion .2. Tmax of Neoral gelatin capsule wasshorter
than that of Sandimmum oral solu-tion;Cmax of Neoral gelatin capsule washigher than that of
Sandimmun oral solu-tion; AUC of Neoral gelatin capsule is largerthan that of Sandimmum oral
solution.3. The correlation of trough concentra-tion and AUC of CsA was better shown inNeoral
gelatin capsule group than theSandimmun oral solution group. For assess-ing their AUC and
adjusting clinicaldosages ,the trough concentration of Neoralgelatin capsule was more reliable
than thatof Sadimmun oral solution.
Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation