
尸肾移植术后免疫抑制剂Sandimmun和Neoral药物动力学参数比较及临床应用研究 被引量:6

The comparative pharmacokinetics ofSandimmun and Neoral and the clinical ap-plication in cadaveric renal transplantation
摘要 Neoral胶囊是继Sandimmun口服液后的另一种剂型。本文研究二者药物动力学参数及临床应用结果。第一部分选择5例肾移植术后超过3个月的稳定患者作自身对照。改用剂型按照1:1的转换剂量,改用前和口服Neoral8天后,每小时分别测二种剂型血CsA浓度,连续测12h.第二部分对12例尸肾移植术后分两组,分别口服二种剂型CsA,长达12周,同法测血CsA浓度,求出药物动力学参数,加上临床观察。结论:①Neo-ral胶囊比Sandimmun口服液吸收好,而且稳定。相对生物利用度比Sandimmun口服液高27.5%;②Neoral胶囊达峰时间比Sandimmun口服液短和达峰浓度高,AUC也比Sandimmun口服液大;③Neoral胶囊的谷浓度和其AUC相关性好,用谷浓度估计AUC和调整临床用药量,可靠性大。 eoral gelatin capsule is a new formu-lation of CsA,different from the traditionaloral solution Sandimmun. In this clinical tri-al, pharmacokinetic studies were made tocompare these two formulation of CsA. Partone: The steadystate pharmacokinetics ofSandimmum oral solution and Neoralgelatin capsule were observed in 5 stable re-nal transplant patients with self-controlstudy. Whole blood CsA concentrations ofSandimmum oral solution were monitered12h before taking Neoral gelatin capsule.The dosage conversion from Sandimumm o-ral solution to Neoral gelatin capsule wasmade in a 1 : 1 ratio. One week later,wholeblood CsA concentrations of Neoral gelatinwere monitered in the same manner asSandimmum. Part two :Sandimmum oral solution and Neoral gelatin capsule were givenrespectively to two groups of transplanta-tion patients (6 cases in each group) for 12weeks. It was concluded :1. Absorpton of Neoral gelatin capsulewas better and more steady than that ofSandimmum oral solution. The relativebioavailability of Neoral gelatin capsule is27. 5% higher than that of Sandimmun oralsolu tion .2. Tmax of Neoral gelatin capsule wasshorter than that of Sandimmum oral solu-tion;Cmax of Neoral gelatin capsule washigher than that of Sandimmun oral solu-tion; AUC of Neoral gelatin capsule is largerthan that of Sandimmum oral solution.3. The correlation of trough concentra-tion and AUC of CsA was better shown inNeoral gelatin capsule group than theSandimmun oral solution group. For assess-ing their AUC and adjusting clinicaldosages ,the trough concentration of Neoralgelatin capsule was more reliable than thatof Sadimmun oral solution.
作者 郑克立 刘东
出处 《肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期14-17,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation
关键词 肾移植 Neoral胶囊 Sandimmun口服液 药物动力学 药理学 kidney transplantation Neoral Sandimmun pharmacokinetics
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