
我国铁路列车荷载谱和桥梁结构效应谱的研究 被引量:5

Investigation on Chinese Train Load Spectrum and Bridge Load Effect Spectrum
摘要 本文在调查研究的基础上,将我国铁路运营机车和车辆分别模拟成4种理论机车模型和7种理论车辆模型,并根据我国铁路的运营状况和对部分铁路编组站列车编组资料的统计分析,将我国铁路运营列车归纳成4大类(混合货运列车、运煤列车、液罐列车和旅客列车)和4个编组级别(轻载、中载、重载、重载组合)共15种典型列车,并借助MonteCarlo随机模拟方法建立了这15种典型列车的理论模型,阐明了以典型列车建立铁路列车荷载谱和桥梁结构效应谱的具体方法。本文推算出的应力脉谱与现场实测值的比较表明,上述方法既简便可靠又灵活实用,可供修订桥梁疲劳设计规范参考。 On surveying, Chinese locomotives and vehicles are simulated as four kinds of theoretical locomotive and seven kinds of theoretical vehicle models. Meanwhile, in light of both the circumstances of Chinese railway exploitation and the statistical analysis on the marshalling data of some railway marshalling stations, Chinese current trains are summed up as four catego- ries, and classified into four ranks, with a total of fifteen categories of the typical trains whose theoretical models are established by means of Monte Carlo method. The Concrete proce- dures for setting up the train load spectrum and the bridge load effect spectrum are expounded as well. Comparing the stress range values calculated with that measured in situ, it is ob- vious that the foregoing method is not only simple and conve- nient, but also flexible and practical, and is probably useful for reference in revising the 'Bridge Code for Fatigue Design.'
出处 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1990年第2期1-9,共9页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
关键词 荷载谱 荷载效应谱 理论机车模型 理论车辆模型 铁路列车 桥梁结构 load spectrum load effect spectrum theoretical locomotive model theoretical vehicle model theoretical model of typical train stress range
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