Soil water characteristics of 10 kinds of dryland soils (Yellow cinnbmon soil,Calcareous concretion block soil, Purple soil, Limestone soil, Red soil, Yellow brownearth and 4 kinds of Alluvial soils) in Hubei have been studied. The empiricalequations for soil water characteristic curves may be modeled as s=aθ~b; s=ae^(bθ),s=a+bθ, where the s is the soil suction (bar), θ is the soil water content (g/100gdry soil), a and b are empirical parameters, b is negative. In the range of higher soil suction, the walerholding capacity of red soil is thelargest,and that of alluvial soil l of loamy sand is the smallest. In the range of lowersoil suction, the water-holding capacity of alluvial soils 3 and 4 whose texture aresilt loam is the largest, and that of purple soil is the smallest. Alluvial soils l and2 have the largest values for the total capacity of available water capacity (0.33-15bars), available water for normal growth of plant (0.33-1 bars)and rapidly availablewater capacity (0.33-6 bars), whereas red soil is samllest in all those 3 paramelers.The unavailable water capacity of red soil is the largest and that of alluvial soil 1and 2 is the smallest. The water characteristics of these soils are highly correlated with soil texture, soiltotal surface and CEC.
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
dryland soil
soil water characteristic
Hclbei province