用Nicolet公司的Compact Four电生理诊断仪对138只正常跟进行常规EOG检测。受检者年龄6~72岁,平均年龄36.5岁。检测Arden比值为2.04±0.34。经统计学处理,年龄与Arden比值呈负相关关系,而性别及眼别对Arden比值无明显影响。以生理发育过程为年龄分组的依据,建立了Arden比值的正常值。同时发现散瞳及屈光不正对EOG检测结果有一定影响。
In this paper the authors discuss the results of EOG on 133 eyes of the individuals aged 6-72 years, which were recorded with Nicolet Compact Four electrodiagnostic system, and analysed some physiological factors which affected the EOG results. The Arden ratio was 2.04±0.34. The results showed the Arden ratio has negative correlation with age, but no obvious relationship with sex and between two eyes. The normal value of Arden ratio was established according to the physiological development, and the age groups were divided into three categories. The results also showed that the size of pupil and myopia have some influence on Arden ratio.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research