Foreign Medical Sciences(section of Surgery)
1Ole Rasmussen M.D.,Birgitte Christensen M.D.,Michael S?rensen M.D.,Tine Tetzschner M.D.,John Christiansen M.D., PH.D.. Rectal compliance in the assessment of patients with fecal incontinence[J] 1990,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(8):650~653
2G. P. Johnson M.D.,J. H. Pemberton M.D.,J. Ness,M. Samson B.S.,A. R. Zinsmeister Ph.D.. Transducer manometry and the effect of body position on anal canal pressures[J] 1990,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(6):469~475
3Jeffrey L. Williamson M.D.,Dr. Richard L. Nelson M.D.,Charles Orsay M.D.,Russell K. Pearl M.D.,Herand Abcarian M.D.. A comparison of simultaneous longitudinal and radial recordings of anal canal pressures[J] 1990,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(3):201~206
4Kerstin Lindquist M.D.. Anal manometry with microtransducer technique before and after restorative proctocolectomy[J] 1990,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(2):91~98
5Soren Laurberg M.D.,Dr. Michael Swash M.D.. Effects of aging on the anorectal sphincters and their innervation[J] 1989,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(9):737~742
6Dr. Shosaku Nakahara M.D.,Hideaki Itoh M.D.,Ryuichi Mibu M.D.,Shinichi Ikeda M.D.,Yoshihiro Oohata M.D.,Kamesaburo Kitano M.D.,Yoshihiko Nakamura M.D.. Clinical and manometric evaluation of anorectal function following low anterior resection with low anastomotic line using an EEA? stapler for rectal cancer[J] 1988,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(10):762~766
7Professor G. Pappalardo M.D.,S. Toccaceli M.D.,P. Dionisio M.D.,G. Castrini M.D.,B. Ravo M.D.. Preoperative and postoperative evaluation by manometric study of the anal sphincter after coloanal anastomosis for carcinoma[J] 1988,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(2):119~122
8Mr. C. P. Gibbons MA, DPhil, MCh, FRCS,J. J. Bannister,E. A. Trowbridge,N. W. Read. An analysis of anal sphincter pressure and anal compliance in normal subjects[J] 1986,International Journal of Colorectal Disease(4):231~237
9Bo Holmstr?m M.D.,Dr. G?ran Brodén M.D.,Anders Dolk M.D.,Bj?rn Frenckner M.D.. Increased anal resting pressure following the Ripstein operation[J] 1986,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(8):485~487
10Dr. Sasnthat Nivatvongs M.D.,Hartley S. Stern M.D.,David S. Fryd Ph.D.. The length of the anal canal[J] 1981,Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(8):600~601
1郁宝铭,沈耀祥,李铭,蒋家,周锡庚.低位直肠癌的外科治疗[J].中华外科杂志,1995,33(3):164-166. 被引量:108
2邱辉忠,林国乐,吴斌,关竞红,赵玉沛.双吻合器技术在直肠癌术中的应用(附236例报告)[J].中国实用外科杂志,2003,23(1):47-49. 被引量:125
3邱辉忠,林国乐,吴斌,关竞红.直肠癌全直肠系膜切除的若干问题(附75例报告)[J].中国实用外科杂志,2003,23(6):348-349. 被引量:107
1任辉,刘晶晶,张国锋,刘卓,房学东.低位及超低位直肠癌腹腔镜下经肛拖出式全直肠系膜切除手术[J].中华结直肠疾病电子杂志,2013,2(5):251-252. 被引量:6
2黄文河,庄业忠,黄棉生,王伟峰,吴俊东,许慕明.低位直肠癌保肛手术后吻合口瘘防治[J].中华肿瘤防治杂志,2006,13(14):1098-1099. 被引量:17
3潘义生,万远廉,刘玉村,汪欣,吴涛.经腹结肠肛管吻合术治疗低位直肠癌[J].中国实用外科杂志,2007,27(6):460-461. 被引量:4
4林国乐,邱辉忠.腹腔镜下结直肠癌手术的难点与解决方案[J].中国现代手术学杂志,2007,11(1):5-7. 被引量:11
5孙学军,吕春华,黄凤瑞,褚海波,韩刚,李银良,徐永波.低位直肠癌行保留内括约肌管扎式结肠肛管吻合术的效果[J].实用医药杂志,2007,24(7):775-776. 被引量:8
6孙学军,吕春华,黄凤瑞,褚海波,韩刚,李银良,徐永波.管扎式结肠肛管吻合术治疗低位直肠癌(附256例报告)[J].结直肠肛门外科,2007,13(3):146-148. 被引量:1
9史冬雷,史莉娜,刘芳,周皎林,林国乐,邱辉忠.低位直肠癌患者经结肠肛管吻合术的护理[J].现代临床护理,2007,6(6):22-24. 被引量:6
10梁国健,洪楚原,陈德,林建生,赵楚雄.超低位直肠癌腹腔镜辅助下经肛门拖出吻合术(附21例报告)[J].腹部外科,2008,21(1):22-23. 被引量:11