长期以来 ,我国科技期刊业已形成了计划经济体制下的经营和管理模式 ,随着市场经济和知识经济时代的到来 ,科技期刊业必须抓住契机 ,发展自我 ,尽快适应国际、国内竞争的新形势。期刊业必须强化市场竞争意识 ,建立大市场观念 ,突破传统小规模、单一封闭的经营管理模式 ,走集团化出版的道路 ;要充分利用现有的物质和文化积累 ,坚持特色化办刊的发展战略 ,树立全新的现代出版理念 。
The industry of Chinese science tech journal has already formed a management and marketing mode under planned economy for a long time. With the arrival of market economy and neo-economy era, the science tech journal industry should take advantage of the opportunity to develop itself, so as to adapt to the internal and international competition. It should strengthen the consciousness of market competition, set up the concept of Big Market, break through the traditional mode of marketing and management, and develop publishing group, make full use of the existing materials and cultural resources, adhere to the strategy of characteristics, establish the modern and new ideas of publication.
Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)