贫困决不是单纯用经济收入可以刻画的对象 ,从本质上讲 ,贫困是主体对客体的一种反映 ,是主体对客体的一种心理体验和认可。是否存在贫困 ,取决于主体对这种反映和体验的评价和感觉。当主体对客体产生不满意而感到贫困时 ,表明他对贫困有了清醒的认识 ,产生了摆脱贫困的需要。这种贫困状况对他来讲 ,不是“自愿”的 ,而是“非自愿”的。这种贫困 ,可以叫做“非自愿贫困”;相反 ,可以叫做“自愿贫困”。区分“非自愿贫困”与“自愿贫困”,准确定义“非自愿贫困” ,是扶贫工作上一次重要的观念转变和更新。作这样的区分 ,对于进一步加强扶贫工作力度 ,提高扶贫工作针对性 ,强化扶贫攻坚效果 。
In 2001,with the relative accomplishment of the poverty_relief work,it is imperative that we proceed with the poverty_relief work by transforming concepts and deepening our understanding of poverty nature.Poverty can not be measured and defined merely by income,for it is essentially an reflection of the object as well as a mental experience and acceptance on the part of the subject.As the subject is dissatisfied with the object and feels impoverished,he is said to gain a clear idea of poverty and have a need to remove it.To him,poverty of such sort is “involuntary”rather than“voluntary”,referred to as“involuntary poverty”.It is of much significance to distinguish between “involuntary” and “voluntary” poverty and to define clearly“involuntary” poverty,because such a distinction is conducive to strengthening and improving the poverty_relief work.