所有制结构与经济增长质量存在着非常密切的关系。过去 ,由于所有制结构不合理 ,导致我国经济增长质量不高。所以 ,要提高经济增长质量 ,必须调整所有制结构。调整的途径有四 :一是合理界定国有经济发挥作用的领域 ;二是健全国有经济的退出机制 ;三是大力发展集体经济 ;
In this article, the authors think that the single structure of the ownership system is the main cause of the low quality of economic development of our country. In order to improve the quality of economic development, we should adjust the structure of the ownership system, properly lower the proportion of state\|owned economy, develop collective economy and private\|owned economy with great effort, further identify the relationship of property of right, and rationalize the structure of ownership system.
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)