人体解剖学是一门重要的医学基础学科 ,教材存在着三多 (形态描述多 ,名词多 ,偏重记忆多 )以及实践性强的特点。在短时间内让学生有效地全面掌握本学科知识 ,是摆在教师面前的迫切任务。我们围绕加强学生课堂实践进行了改革 ,教学过程中实施“精讲多练”的直观教学法 ,加强实验室管理 ,建立岗位责任制 ,制作完整的教学标本体系 ,推行标本分段考试法 。
Anthropotomy, an important basic subject of medicine, is characterized by practicality, and its textbooks are full of terms, morphological descriptions and contents calling for memorization. Consequently, teachers find it an urgent task to help students grasp the knowledge of the very subject in a short period. Teaching reform has been introduced in our university, which strives to strengthen students' practices in the classroom. The object teaching method is adopted which stresses fewer yet finer teaching and more practices. The laboratory management has been enhanced, a complete teaching specimen system established and multi stage specimen examination carried out. These measures combined together have yielded fruitful results.
Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition