我国新的投资准则已经颁布 ,它与美国会计准则存在一些差异 ,本文拟对这些差异加以比较。之所以选择美国进行比较 ,是因为美国的证券市场比较发达 ,有关投资会计的准则经历了一个不断完善的过程 ,已形成较为系统的准则体系。当然 ,由于国情不同 ,两国投资准则的差异是不可避免的。但究竟哪些差异是合理的 ,哪些差异还有待改进 ,正是本文所要探讨的。
This thesis focuses on the comparison between China and the U.S. investment rules.Coming through a long way up to now,the rules of investment accounting in U.S. have formed a standard system of rules with the development of US' stock market.It's obvious that the comparison between China and the U.S. investment rules is unavoidable due to the different situation of a country.But is the comparison reasonable,or is it still subject to betterment?That's what we discuss in this paper.
Learned Journal of Heilongjiang Finance College