Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, soil classification has been improved. There have been at least nine soil classification systems that cover whole soils in china. Three periods can be distinguished: At the early period 1950's, C. F. Marbut's system was adopted, and in this system great soil group was used as the basic unit and soil series as the low category and Shandong brown soils which only occured in China, Sajong (calcic concretion) black soils and paddy soils were included. Genetic soil classification system was introduced in 1954, and since then, some new great groups such as yellow-brown soils, black soils, Baijiang (abic) soils and lateritic red earths were proposed. Afterwards, with the general soil survey on cultivated soils, paddy soils was enriched, Cha (fluvo-aquic) soils warped irrigated soils and Lou (stratified old manured lossial) soils were distinguished as independent great groups and a lot of new great groups were proposed. In recently years, chinese soil taxonomic classification, wich is based on the diagnostic horizons and characteristics of abundant soil types in china, is being developed, but perhaps a long time would be needed to make it perfect.
Acta Pedologica Sinica