Seven lines of determinate cucumber were developed from the mutant of trailing cultivar Jinyan No. 1 by selecting for several generations through its successive self-fertilization. Some characters were inves-tigated, all of the lines with early maturity, high rate of female flowers and short growing season,especially the traits of determinate of flowering and dwarf plants were different from the trailing cucumber.
Based on the genetic analyses, the height of cucumber were controlled by two genetic systems, the single gene and the polygene system. The former resulted in dwarf or determinate phenotype of cucumber when its recessive genes were in homozygote, dede, whereas dominate genes in homozygote, DeDe, produced trailer type of plant. When the interaction of single genes in heterozygote, Dede, with polygenes, happened the phenotype of height of cucumber was different depended on its genetic background.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica