The relationships of quality properties and their variations of spring wheat variety in 11 ecological situations were reported. The results indicated that ecological factors have important effect on spring wheat quality. Significant and positive correlation were found between altitude and gluten (wet and dry)content. Mean temperature and accumulated temperature during the period of growing were significantly positive correlated with grain protein and lysine concentrations. Quality deterioted as precipitation increased during the period of growing and heading to maturity. Protein quality and gluten content may be enchanced by an abundance of sunshine. Among the quality properties, significant positive relations were found between wet and dry gluten content, gluten (wet and dry)content and 1000-grain weight, grain protein percentage and grain lysine percentage, grain protein percentage an gluten content. Aninverse correlation was observed between grain protein percentage and lysine content in protein. Lysine content in protein present-(?)ed significant negative correlations with gluten and 1000-grain weight. And also a close positive relationship was established between wet gluten content and grain lysine percentage. No correlations were discovered between 1000-grain weight and grain protein and lysine concentrations.