利用国产F30型X线机,对成年家鸡胸腹部进行了42次X线摄影,结果表明,国产低性能X线机完全能用于鸡的X线摄影。摄影条件为FFD 75cm,KV=腹厚(cm)+53~56,mAs 9~12,投照方位以右左位为佳,无需麻醉和其它保定用具。
Our home made X-ray machines, though they have lower quality, can be successfully used in taking X-ray pictures of adult chicken's chest and abdormen, which is proved by using the domestic machine F30 for 42 times.The conditions are FFD75cm, KV=the thickness of abdormen(cm)+53~56, mAS 9-12.The best position is right-left.No anaesthesia and fixing tool are needed.