以10份大麦栽培品种(品系)为试验材料,比较了它们的花药离体培养反应,结果表明:二棱型材料的离体培养反应优于多棱型;早熟型材料的离体培养反应优于迟熟型。以栽培品种沪麦8号为材料,各实验处理结果表明:适当晚播,减数分裂期前夕施适当的氮肥,10—20天的3℃低温预处理,1.5mg/12,4-D与0.05-0.2mg/1 KT激素配比和5—7%蔗糖浓度对大麦花药离体培养比较有利。
Anthers of 9 cultivars and 1 cultivar-strain were cultured and their culture response showed: the more responsive cultivars belong to 2-rowed types and early-mature types.Anthers of c. v. Hu 8 were cultured with several treatments and their culture results showed: anther culture response was improved by appropriate late-sowing, application of appropriate nitrognfertilizer prior to meiophase, 10-20 days pretreatment at 3℃, hormone combination of 1, 5mg/1 2,4-D and 0.05-0.2mg/1 KT and 5-7% sucrose.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai