研究了正常人在安静和思维状态下阵发性 4 0Hz脑电事件相关信号 (40HzERP)的特征变化 ,探讨阵发性 4 0HzERP与年龄、性别、文化程度和智力测验得分之间的关系 ,同时对 4 0HzERP不同参数进行比较。结果表明 :正常人在安静状态下阵发性 4 0HzERP出现的时间、面积和峰值均明显低于思维状态下的测试 ,而定向力及计算力测试时阵发性 4 0HzERP低于视空间测试。思维活动时阵发性 4 0HzERP增加幅度与简易精神状态量表 (MMSE)和韦氏成人智力量表 (WAIS)得分呈正相关。
In this investigation 50 normal subjects were observed. Activities of EEG of 8 areas on both hemisphere during six different states were recorded. The author analyzed time ( T ), area( A ) and amplitude ( Amp ) of burst 40 Hz ERP recorded during different states and investigate the correlation's between 40 Hz ERP and age, sex,education background and scores of IQ. The time, area and amplitude of burst 40 Hz ERP are all significantly lower during rest states than those during orientation test, calculation test and visual spatial task test. During thinking process the increase of burst 40 Hz ERP is positive correlated with the scores in MMSE and WAIS. T is the most stable and sensitive marker. A affected by T and Amp, is stable but less sensitive than T. Amp is less sensitive than T and A.
Journal of Chongqing University
重庆市卫生局资助项目! (渝卫科教 (99) 2 4号文 )