针对综合利用水库的特点 ,从充分利用水资源的角度出发 ,建立了以弃水量最小为目标的优化调度模型 ,并对此模型采用了变步长增量动态规划方法求解 .在求解寻优过程中 ,利用了前期研究成果的优化调度线做为初始壮态序列 ,并逐次迭代 ,直到逼近最优决策序列和最优状态序列 .通过实例计算表明 ,所建立的这种模型是合理的 .这一模型在寻求水库弃水量最小的同时 ,也增加了灌溉、发电、供水方面的效益 。
According to the characteristic of comprehensive reservoir, based on the former research, the optimal model has been built to achieve the minimum surplus water for utilizing water resource. The approach of variable pace increment dynamic programming is used to solve this problem. Using the optimal operation line as initial state series, we make successive iteration until approaching optimal state series and decision series. It has been proved that the model is reasonable and feasible by numerical results.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology
河南省自然科学基金资助项目! (0 0 40 40 6 0 0 )