根据广义相对论以及相互作用原理 ,一个星体穿越另外两个星体之间所形成的缺欠能量空间时 ,这个星体在穿越过程中与 4维空间交换的固有能量会发生变化。理论计算表明 ,从升温开始到升温结束或从降温开始到降温结束的 7 5d内 ,实际上整个地球升降温幅度大于 0 0 8℃。对于地球这样一个有大气层的行星而言 ,这种能量的周期性变化会对大气气温产生显著的影响。
According to general relativity and principles of interaction,when a revolving system composed of two or more heavenly bodies, revolves around another far heavier heavenly body,such as a star,the relativistic effect produced between them will cause inherent energy change,and thereby the temperature change, in all the heavenly bodies except the star.Theoretical calculation shows that within a period of 7 5 days from the beginning to the end of the temperature rise or drop, the actual temperature fluctuation of the whole earth is more than 0 08 ℃. For a planet with an atmospheric layer like earth, the periodic inherent energy change can produce a remarkable effect on its atmospheric temperature.