运动粘度是某些石油化工产品的重要性能指标 ,但手动运动粘度计测试方法落后 ,精度不高。文中提出的运动粘度自动检测系统 ,在温度控制和液面检测上都实现了自动化。实验结果表明 ,本系统完全可以按国家标准GB2 6 5 88进行自动测定运动粘度。
Kinematic viscosity is an important perfomance index for some petrochemicals. Hand operated viscosimeters are out of date and their precision is low. The autotest system for kinematic viscosity proposed in this paper has implemented the automation in temperature control and liquid surface measuring. Experimental results indicate that this system can accomplish kinematic viscosity detection according to the National Standard GB265 88.