认为容器本身是刚性体 ,考虑到框架在地震作用下发生振动时引起容器中的液体亦发生振动 ;此液体振动通过容器壁和底板作用于框架上 ,即考虑耦联振动。液体振动可分解为无数振型的贡献 ,取有限个振型 ,利用振型分解法解耦运动方程组并确定地震力及液动压力。
The container itself is rigidity,for framework'vibration in an earthquake will make the liquid of container shake. This shaking of liquid has an action on framework viacontainer's wall and bottom,taking into account of couple vibration. Vibration of liquid can decompose numerous vibration models'contribution,by selecting limited vibration models, making use of method of vibration model decomposition to separate couple equations, computing the force of earthquake and pressure of vibration of liquid.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology