对分布式控制中的网络应用、信息 -控制一体化以实现真正的全厂自动化的研究正方兴未艾。由于大多数工控系统都采用了Windows操作系统平台、许多工控软件也使用了微软的软件进行开发 ,微软的制造业WindowsDNA (即Windows分布式网络体系 )提供了在为基于COM (组件对象模型 )框架内的独立软件开发具有互操作和集成功能能力的策略结构。制造业信息技术是实现企业内共享从工厂低层采集的数据。本文介绍DNA(分布式网络体系 )和RNA(罗克韦尔网络结构 )的发展历史、技术和结构要点、工业的应用。
The study on network application, integration of information and control to realize the total plant automation in FCS is just coming. Because most industrial control systems adapt Windows based platform and industrial control software base on Microsoft develop kit, Microsoft provides a manufacture Windows DNA, which outline the structure for COM based independent software development with inter-operation and integration abilities. The manufacture information technology is employed to realize information sharing from plant floor. This paper presents DNA and RNA's development, technology and structure, industrial applications.
Computer Automated Measurement & Control