THR01a制冷剂是一种绿色环保型产品,从制冷剂性质要求方面分析了 THR01a替代 R12的可行性。通过对比试验可看出,在不对汽车空调系统做任何改动的情况下,用 THR01a替代 R12,制冷能力与原 R12系统相当。实车替代对比试验证明, THR01a替代 R12后,在制冷效果方面基本相同或略有改善。
The refrigerant THR01a is a green colour environmental protection product. The feasibility of substituting refrigerant THR01a for refrigerant R12 is analyzed in the field of refrigerant property requirements. It is shown by contrast tests that the refrigerating ability of THR01a is equivalent to that of original R12 when R12 is substituted by THR01a without any change of air conditioning system in motor vehicle. It is proved that, by contrast tests in actual use in motor vehicles, the refrigerating effect is basically the same as or light better than that of R12 after it is substituted by THR01a.
Automobile Technology