近年来 ,鹭江职业大学抓住机遇、解放思想、团结拼搏 ,努力探索高等职业教育办学规律和办学特色 ,取得可喜成绩。但在办学过程中仍存在不少困难与问题 ,亟需在努力开创党建和思想政治工作新局面 ;不断增强办学活力 ,提高教育质量 ;科学规划 ,重点突破 。
In recent years,Lujiang University has seized opportunity to soar in its initiative and united search for laws governing vocational higher education and in its highlight of distinguished features in this respect.But to combat difficulties and problems existing there the university needs to launch new drives to open prospects for Party construction and ideological education,to keep upgrading educational qualities in a pioneering spirit,and,finally,to combine comprehensive planning with key project breakthrough and build up strength of the university to meet the challenge of the new century. Key words:reform;initiative;development
Journal of Lujiang University