毛泽东时代建立的人民民主专政理论为中国民主政治奠定了基础 ,但由于当时主客观条件限制 ,也存在一系列缺陷。邓小平通过对我国社会主义建设前三十年历史反思 ,得出了社会主义民主制度化、法制化的思想 ,并建立起符合中国实际的法制体系。在邓小平思想基础上 ,第三代领导人提出了依法治国的思想 ,标志着中国将与人治决裂 。
The era of Mao Zedong laid the foundation of our democracy by establishing the theory of the People's democratic dictatorship,Which had a series of defects due to the restrict of subjective conditions at that time.Deng Xiaoping put forward the thought of socialist democratization and legal systematization by reflecting on the 30-year history of socialist construction.In the meanwhile,he also built up the legal system appropriate to China's situations.The third generation leadership proposes the thought of rule by law based on Deng Xiaoping's thought,with symbolizes China has entered a new era of development of democratization & legal systematization by breaking thoroughly with the history of rule by man.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Education