自由基是含有外层未配对电子的具有强氧化反应能力的中间物质 .它通过氧化作用攻击机体内生物大分子 ,从而引起细胞及细胞器特别是供能的线粒体结构和机能的破坏 .急性剧烈运动使运动员体内产生大量的自由基 ,引发机体疲劳和组织细胞的损伤 .因此 ,如何有效地提高自由基的清除能力和预防产生过量的自由基 ,对提高运动员的运动水平具有十分重要的意义 .
Free radical is intermediate substance with outer electron which doesn't match and has strong oxidizing reaction ability/in organism, it can attack biological molecular in organsism by means of oxidatim, then cause cells to be damaged. Acute strenuous exercise may produce excessive free radical, cause organism fatigue and damage tissue cells. Therefore, how to raise its eliminating ability effectively and take precautions against producing excessive free radical are very important in improving sportsmen's level.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College