
热力学函数温度系数的计算 被引量:1

摘要 利用热容、熵、焓与温度关系的方程 [1] ,采用解最小二乘联立方程组的方法 ,编制了计算程序。可算出各种物质热力学函数温度系数。以此经验方程求得各种温度下的函数值与标准值非常接近 ,偏差小 ,精度高于文献 [1、 2 ]。用该程序系统地算出铜元素各种燃烧产物热力学函数温度系数 ,并保证两个不同温度区间交接处 ( 10 0 0 K)的函数值完全相等 。 Temperature coefficients for themodynamic function are determined by means of a simultaneous least-squares fitting of heat-capacity,enthalpy、entropy,which are described as polynomical equations in temperature.After some mathematical treatments and programming,exact numerical solutions can be obtained.Even some of solution errors are less than those given in reference[1]、[2].The first and systematical calculation of the temperature coefficients for combustion products of the copper element has been completed.The function ensures the equal values at the cross point of the two temperature intervals(such as 100K).In fact,this method provides the reliable data of the temperature coefficients for the calculation of the propellant performance.
机构地区 国防科技大学
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第2期101-104,共4页 Journal of Aerospace Power
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