“模糊化评分”是一种重新审视与传统的标准化考试相适应的百分制的新分数评价观 ,也是实现教育本体功能协调和优化的有效途径 ,具有多维度、公平性、协调性等特征。教育的可持续发展不仅在于要充分利用促进教育发展的机遇及对教育发展具有短期刺激的教育环境因素 ,更重要的在于要不断寻找乃至创造各种有利于教育发展的因素。因此 ,“模糊化评分”于教育的可持续发展而言无疑是一种必然的选择和趋向。
Vague marking” is thought of as a new view of elevation after we take a close review of the standardized exams and their corresponding 100-point marking system. It is also an effective way of bringing about a harmonious development and optimization of education itself and is characterized by multi dimensions, fairness and harmoniousness. To achieve a sustainable development of education, we must not only make full use of every chance and every stimulating short term factor of educational environment, but seek and create every possible means to promote education. “Vague marking” is, therefore, an unavoidable choice and tendency.