新世纪领导干部 ,肩负继续推进现代化建设的重任 ,加强自身修养显得更加重要和紧迫。调查分析显示 ,修养不够主要表现在是非不分、主仆易位、揽功诿过、懈怠自满、见利忘义、畏首畏尾、心浮气躁、领导乏术、媚上欺下、眼高手低等十个方面。这就要求从各个方面去加强。其途径是 :理论武装、知识提高。
New century leading cadres shoulder the responsibility of promoting modernization construction forward,which makes it necessary to strengthen self—accomplishment. lnvestigation shows insufficient accomplishment mainly lies in no discrimination between right and wrong , the inversion of master and servant, pursuing merit and elbowing misdoings,laziness,promoting fame and money, uncertainty, flighty, and impatient,lacking leading art,flattery being fastidious but imcomptent.All this requires the strengthening from all sides,including theoretical armament, improvement of knowledge and practice.
Journal of Shangluo Teachers College