信用制度是由信用管理系统、信用评价系统、信用监督系统组成的信用监管体系,对于不同的信用主体,所建立的信用制度的内容也不同。在我国,没有健全的信用制度已 经越来越明显地制约着信用经济的发展,而建立适合国情的信用制度的起点,一是个人信用 征信制度,二是企业内部信用管理制度。
Credit system is composed of credit management system, credit eval ua tion system and credit supervision system. The content of new credit system is d ifferent according to different credit entity. It obviously confines the develop ment of credit economy that there is not a whole credit system in China, and the beginning to establish the credit system fitted for China, one is the personal credit system, the other is the credit management system inside enterprises.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Finance and Commerce Management