研究开发费用的会计处理向来是会计理论界与实务争论的焦点。在知识经济条件下,研究开发费用所占比重日益增大,对其不同的会计处理不仅会严重影响会计报表的可比性 ,而且还会影响企业以至一个国家的发展。从各国与此有关的规定和会计处理出发,并结合 知识经济条件下研发活动的新特点,就此问题提出设想。
The accounting of R&D expenses is always the focus to discuss bet we en theoretics and practices of accounting. In knowledge economy times,the ratio of R&D expenses becomes more and more, the different accounting to them not onl y affect the comparison of financial statement, but also affect enterprises up t o one nation's development.This paper first discusses the concerned regulation a nd accounting of other country, and analyzes the new characteristic of R&D expe nses in knowledge economy, then puts forward a few ideas in allusion to these pr omblems.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Finance and Commerce Management