目的 :探讨特殊部位异位妊娠的临床特征及误诊原因 ,降低误诊率。方法 :对 35例特殊部位异位妊娠进行回顾性分析。结果 :其发生率占同期异位妊娠的 9.0 4 % ,误诊率 80 %。输卵管间质部妊娠易引起致命性腹腔出血、宫角妊娠子宫不对称性增大 ,腹腔妊娠孕早期一过性下腹痛 ,卵巢妊娠术前不易确诊 ,宫颈妊娠以无痛性阴道反复流血为主要临床表现。结论 :提高对特殊部位异位妊娠的认识、详询病史 ,重视临床表现 ,结合β -HCG、B超及腹腔镜等综合分析、避免误诊。
Objective: Investigate the clinical characteristics and misdiagnosis cause of specific ectopic pregnancies to decrease misdiagnosis rate. Methods: 35 cases of the specific ectopic pregnancies were analysed retrospectively. Results: This group accounted for 9.04% of all ectopic pregnancies occurring during this period.the rate of misdiagnosis is 80%. Tubal interstital pregnancies often had fatal intraperitoneal hemorrhage . Cornual pregancy presented unsyminetrical uterus enlargement.Abdominal pregnancy had the lower abdominal pain momently. It is difficult to diagnose ovarian pregnancy prior to surgical exploration . Painless vaginaI recurrent bleeding is main clinical manifestatio in cervical pregnancy. Conclusion:To advantageous recognition specific ectopic pregnancy . detail history, attention to clinical manipestation, Analyse comprehensively β-HCG、B-ultrasound and laparoscope ect and avoide the misdiagnosis.
Hebei Medicine