目的 :探讨HCV母婴传播的可能性及其在流行病学中的意义。方法 :应用ELISA方法对 2 136名产前检查的孕妇进行了抗 HCV检测 ,抗 HCV阳性者进一步应用PCR检测其HCV RNA并收集其婴儿脐血进行抗 HCV和HCV RNA检测。结果 :孕妇的抗 HCV阳性率为 1.5 9% (34/2 136 ) ,抗 HCV阳性母亲的HCV RNA阳性率为 47.0 6 % (16 /34) ,母亲HCV RNA阳性者发生垂直传播率为 5 3 .3 %。结论 :应用抗 HCV评价母婴传播并不合适 ,只有通过检测HCV RNA方能证实感染的存在。HCV确实存在母婴传播 ,但在人群HCV流行中并非主要传播途径。母亲肝功能异常是影响HCV母婴传播的一个重要因素。
Objective: to study the possibility of vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus and its epidemiological significance. Methods: The serum antibody of hepatitis C virus (anti HCV) in 2136 pregnant women was detected with ELISA kits . HCV RNA was detected by PCR for those who were anti HCV positive and their newborns as well. Result: The positive rate of anti HCV in pregnant women was 1.59%(34/2136). Among 34 anti HCV positive women, 16(47.06%) were HCV RNA positive. The vertical transmission rate of HCV for mothers with HCV RNA possitive was 53.3%. Conclusion: It is not appropriate to study the vertical transmission of HCV by detecting anti HCV. Detection of HCV RNA is the better method to confirm the vertical transmission. Vertical transmission is not a main route in the transmission of hepatitis C,although it exists.
Academic Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy