研究了6 0 Co在小麦 -土壤系统中的迁移、消长和分配动态。结果表明 ,进入土壤表面的6 0 Co将在系统内发生迁移。小麦植株中6 0 Co比活度起初随时间迅速增高 ,在达到某一最大值后开始下降 ;小麦各部位中6 0 Co比活度的大小顺序为 :麦根 >麦秸 >麦壳 >麦粒。土壤中6 0 Co主要滞留于表层 5cm内 ,其比活度与距土表深度呈单项指数负相关 ;小麦对土壤中的6 0 Co具有一定的富集能力。
Studies on the dynamics of transportation, accumulation, disappearance and distribution of 60 Co in the wheat-soil system were accomplished. It was shown that 60 Co was transported rapidly in the system after it was put into the surface layer of soil. The specific activity of 60 Co in wheat plant rapidly increased to a maximum value, then decreased. The specific activity of 60 Co in each part of wheat plant was found to be arranged in order of root 》 straw 》 husk > seed. 60 Co is mainly detained in 5cm of soil surface,and specific activity of 60 Co in soil present an individual exponential declining with depth of soil. The wheat plant has some ability to accumulate 60 Co in soil.
Nuclear Techniques
国家自然科学基金 !(395 70 149)