目的 探讨γ探针 (γ- Probe)在前哨淋巴结探测中的地位和作用 ,并对中国原子能科学研究院研制的γ放免探测仪的性能进行测试和评估。方法 71例经临床证实的乳腺癌病人进行了前哨淋巴结的γ闪烁显像和γ探针定位探测。γ探针的性能重点测试定位灵敏度和空间分辨。灵敏度用点源测试 ,用高于本底计数 10倍所对应的活度 ( Bq)表示。空间分辨用点源伸展函数 ( FSF)半高宽 ( FWHM)表示。γ探针在乳腺癌患者的体表测量分 4个区域 :前哨淋巴结区、注射区、本底区及腋窝区 ,用于评估γ探针在病人实际探测中的灵敏度和空间分辨。结果 γ探测仪 FGDP型的灵敏度为 1480 Bq,空间分辨为 4 mmFWHM。临床应用可明显鉴别前哨淋巴结与注射区、本底区和其他部位淋巴结。结论 γ探针是一种探测前哨淋巴结的安全、简便、可靠的方法。γ放免探测仪 FGDP可用于前哨淋巴结探测 ,其主要性能指标满足临床要求。
Objective To investigate the position and usefulness of γ probe in detecting sentinel lymph node in breast cancer, and to measure and evaluate the performances of FGDP γ probe produced by China Institute of Atomic Energy. Methods 71 clinically proved patients with breast cancer underwent γ scintigraphy and γ probe detection. The localization sensitivity and spatial resolution of FGDP γ probe were measured and evaluated by point source of 99m Tc and point spread function (PSF) . The sensitivity was expressed by absolute activity (Bq), at the signal to background ratio of 10, and resolution by FWHM of PST respectively. In clinical study, four areas of the patient breast were detected in order to evaluate the performances of FGDP γ probe . Recults The sensitivity and spatial resolution of the FGDP γ probe were 1480Bq and 4mm FWHM respectively. Counts in four areas of the patient breast can be significantly separated by FGDP γ probe detection. Conclusions γ probe detection is a simple,safe and accurate method for detecting sentinel lymph node in brest cancer.The performances of FGDP γ probe are be able to meet clinical requirements for SLN detection.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology