本文报道了有环保系统 14个环境放射性实验室参加的生物样中 90 Sr、137Cs及土壤样中天然铀含量的分析比对方法及其结果。比对样品包括 2种生物样和 1种土壤样 ,其中 1种生物样 (生物粉碎样 )和土壤样来自 IAEA的标准参考样 ,有已知的标准参考值 ;另 1生物样是来自杭州附近茶场真实的环境茶叶样 ,以各实验室分析的平均值为参考值。以与参考值的偏差范围表示的比对结果如下 :1)生物粉碎样 :对 90 Sr和 137Cs,分别为 - 15.4 %~ 2 6.5%和 - 15.0 %~ - 0 .4 % ;2 )土壤样 :对天然铀为 - 2 5.5%~7.3% ;3)茶叶样 :对 90 Sr为 - 2 2 .7%~ 19.1% ,对 137Cs分散性较大 ,最大与最小之比约为 7。
In this paper, the results of the 90 Sr and 137 Cs contents in biologic samples and the natural U in soil samples obtained in a joint effort by fourteen environmental radiation laboratories in the Chinese environmental protection system were analyzed and compared. Two konds of biologic samples and one kind of soil samples were used for inter comparison. Of which, one kind of biologic samples (biologic powder samples) and the soil samples came from the IAEA samples were environmental and the reference values were known. The an other kind of biologic samples were environmental tea leaf that were taken from a tea garden near Hangzhou. The mean values obtained by all the joined laboratories was used as the reference. The inter comparison results were expressed in terms of the deviation from the reference value. It was found that the deviation of the 90 Sr and 137 Cs contents of biologic powder samples ranged from -15.4% to 26.5% and -15.0% to 0.4%, respectively. The deviation of the natural U content ranged from -25.5% to 7.3% for the soil samples. For the tea leaf, the 90 Sr deviation was -22.7% to 19.1%, and the 137 Cs data had a relative large scatter with a ratio of the maximum and the minimum values being about 7. It was pointed out that the analysis results offered by different laboratories might have involved system errors. (
Radiation Protection