对影响气液活塞式脉冲液体射流泵装置效率的主要因素进行分析 ,导出了脉冲液体射流泵装置效率理论方程及其理论方程的时均解。结果表明 ,在相同的液体射流泵装置上 ,采用脉冲射流比恒定射流的传能及传质效率有较大的提高。
The influence of the main factors on device efficiency of pulsed liquicd jet pump with gas liquid piston is analysed, the theoretical equation and its time averaged solution of pulsed liquid jet pump device efficiency are derived. The theoretical and experimental results show that the efficiency of transmission of energy and mass to use pulsed jet is greatly raised, compared with steady jet, in the same device of liquid jet pump. The calculating results of time averaged efficiency of pullsed liquid jet pump are approximately in agreement with the experimental results in our and foreign countries.
Nuclear Science and Engineering