就海表面热量平衡Q_l而言,它包括进入海平面的太阳总辐射Q_s,海面有效回辐射Q_b,蒸发耗热Qe,以及海洋与大气间感热交换Qc,它们之间的关系是:Q_l=Qs-Qb-Qe-Qc。 本文对1965—1967年期间南海及西太平洋海域热量平衡各分量的月际变化进行了分析,结果表明:(1)海面热量平衡各分量的年变化中,季节变吧是最显著的,各年之间具有共同性。(2)热量平衡各分量的季节变化对该地区的重要天气系统的作用是不一样的:(a)冬季感热加热带(也包括潜热)可能对移出大陆的气旋在海上加强有一定的贡献;(b)全年在低纬度海洋上一直存在的潜热加热带与台风活动有着密切的联系;(c)而进入海面的太阳总辐射可能对西太平洋副热带高压轴线的位移有一定的控制作用。
Sea-surface heat balance Q1 includes global radiation incident on sea surface Qa, effective back radiation from the surface Qb, latent heat Qe and sea-air sensible heat exchange Qc, which are related as Qi = Qi-Qb-Qc-Qe.Analysis is done of 1965-67 monthly variations of these components for the South-China Sea and western Pacific. Results show that 1) seasonal changes are most appreciable in their annual variations for the 3-year period; 2) their seasonal changes have different effect on the major! weather systems of the region, for example, a) wintertime sensible, (latent) heating may contribute to the intensification of offshore cyclones; b) a latent heating zone present over the low-latitude Pacific all the year round bears a close relation to the typhoon behavior; c) global radiation incident on the sea surface is likely to have some controlling effect on the shift of the western Pacific subtropical high's axis line.
Journal of the Meteorological Sciences