The modern Huanghe River Delta is a special type of delta. It is charac-terized by high sediment content, high sediment discharge, high constructing rate, fine-grain sediment dominant of silt and clay, aboveground channel, frequent forking of tail-channel, weak ocean hydrodynamic condition (wave and tide etc.), and shallow receiving basin. Based on the study of three cross and one Ipngitudinal sections from different units of the abandoned Diaokou Chan-nel, three dimensional distribution of sediment and sedimentary subfacies of the lobe formed by the single channel of the modern Huanghe River Delta is clarified; together with the evolionary rule of minor cycle of tail-channel migrating, developing processes of the modern Huanghe River Delta can be di-vided into foui stages:(1) Inundating-filling-bay-accumulating stage;(2) Channe-lizing-converging-extending-seaward-eroding stage; (3) Forking-filling-deposi-ting stage; (4) Eroding-landward-forking of shelly beach (or shelly beach rid-ge)-equilibrium stage, and sedimentary sequences of the modern Huanghe River Delta can be suggested as: one lateral sequence of the interval distribution of mouth bar subfacies, two different longitude sequences of main-channel-type and forking-channel-type, and two different vertical sequences of mouth-bar type and side-bay-of-mouth-bar type. Finally, the model of the modern Huanghe River Delta is proposed.
Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology