A theoretical study is made of the temperature distribution and the thermally induced circulation related to Cold Watermass of Yellow Sea (CWYS). Based on observed data, the governing equations are derived from the general.N-S equations through scale analysis.In the model, the heat conduction equation contains the local change term, vertical diffusion term and all the advection terms. The velocity components in the motion equations are determined by the horizontal or vertical thermal gradients. The temperature and velocity field are obtained by solving the coupled equations of motion and heat conduction, and the method of separation of variables is employed to solve the equations.Comparison between the theoretically calculated temperature and observed data show very good qualitative and quantitative agreements for the corresponding season. The circulation pattern obtained is found to be horizontally cyclonic round the cold center, with a vertically up-welling in the middle and downwelling in the marginal parts of CWYS.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica