The convective rainfall is analysed in statistics, synoptic meteorology, and dynamics in this paper by using meteorological data obtained from R.V.'Shiyan 3' in West Equatorial Pacific during the late autumn of 1986, 1987 and 1988, in combination with weather charts and satellite images. The relationship between the tropical circulation, the meso-scale weathei system and the rainfall in West Equatorial Pacific during late autumn is elucidated lespectively in the paper. The diurnal change of rainfall in West Equatorial Pacific is indicated. We also discussed the dynamic cause of the meso-scale voitex that caused lain-fall in the West Equatorial Pacific, and the interaction between the rainfall inWest Equatorial Pacific and El Nino. In paiticular, more rainfall than normally during pre-El Nino period in the West Equatorial Pacific, might be one of the important reasons for the occurance of El Nino.